The fourth superhero film in as many months, Bryan Singer's trendy installment of the mutant saga increases the stakes extensively, going for the epic, global-threatening plot preferred by movies which include guy of metal and the Avengers that the X-men franchise has traditionally eschewed till now. It additionally introduces an entire host of recent faces, many more youthful variations of characters Singer brought to us in 2000 which includes storm, Cyclops, and Jean Grey to join the more familiar cast of the primary elegance technology. The end result is disappointing, to be honest, Apocalypse not a lot a horror movie as a fairly common one with too many characters, an excessive amount of reliance on CGI destruction and a minimizing of the individual paintings that makes this franchise exclusive and exceptional. it is able to be higher than the much-maligned final Stand, however, handiest just. From the off, the manufacturers lay their playing cards on the table - that is big...